Enforcement and Monetization

AiPi’s machine learning software and expertise allows us to review patent portfolios of various sizes, from a few to tens of thousands of patents, and identify infringing products and services worldwide.  We do this by scaping the web and implementing a proprietary technique that even predicts infringement of competitors’ internal processes that would have otherwise been impossible to detect.  Once potential infringement is detected, AiPi performs due diligence for the upcoming patent infringement dispute to estimate the chances of success with regard to the key issues of validity, infringement, and damages.

Traditionally, a patent owner would inform a law firm that a competitor’s product may infringe the patent owner’s patent. The law firm would then perform an infringement analysis, and ultimately litigate a patent infringement lawsuit if paid millions of dollars in litigation fees.  However, many technology companies are unable to effectively police their patents and thus are unaware of infringement – rendering their patents ineffective.  AiPi solves this problem by being able to scrape the web to identify infringers and then inform the patent owner that its patents are being infringed.  

AiPi provides similar services in other contexts.  For example, AiPi provides recommendations in the context of patent insurance, so as to estimate the risks and potential liabilities of insurers issuing policies that indemnify or otherwise financially protect technology companies from patent infringement actions.  AiPi’s recommendations are vital in facilitating insurance companies’ decisions as to whether to issue an insurance policy, estimate the policy premiums, etc.

Unique enforcement services are provided in the contexts of:

Our Process

AiPi’s enforcement process typically starts with a patent landscape that we use to identify entities operating in the US that may be infringing the patents at issue.  Once the infringing entities are identified, AiPi performs an analysis to determine whether such infringement likely exists.  In situations where infringement likely exists, AiPi performs further analyses directed to monetizing the patents, and prepares requisite documents, including claim charts, validity analyses, damages analyses, monetization strategy, etc.

Once all of the analyses are completed and documents created, AiPi works with law firms to initiate a licensing campaign directed to obtaining royalty payments covering past infringement and future use of the technology covered by the patents.  In many cases, AiPi will file but not serve Complaints against each of the alleged infringers, and then attempt to engage in licensing negotiations.  For appropriate alleged infringers that fail to obtain such a license, AiPi will work with a law firm to have the Complaint served to initiate the litigation.  AiPi will engage an acceptable law firm to perform all legal activities. 

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) criminalizes dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures that control access to copyrighted works.   AiPi helps to impede misappropriation by having unauthorized websites shut-down and otherwise preventing the unauthorized dissemination of copyrighted software.  

First, AiPi identifies all unauthorized websites using our proprietary web and machine learning conceptual search engines that make use of an inventive taxonomy and an enormous number of databases.  Our machine learning tools make use of convolutional networks running on an extensive collection of GPU systems in concert with cognitive computer services that are configured from Cognitive services running on Microsoft Azure as well as Amazon AWS SageMaker, Google Tensorflow, etc.  We are able to provide human-in-the-loop reinforcement of discovery and classification of finds so that we can locate resources on the web that provide evidence of relevant unauthorized websites.  

Second, AiPi works to shut down all of the identified unauthorized websites.  AiPi issues a takedown notice to the service that hosts the unauthorized website or to the internet service provider (ISP).  If necessary, AiPi will also issue notices to relevant search engines.   Each written is communicated to the organization’s DMCA agent in writing, identifying the copyrighted work and the material infringing the copyright.  In addition, AiPi will monitor the internet for a period to identify new unauthorized websites offering the copyrighted software platform.